Webinar Abstract
Title : MicTalk with Sergio Belisario de Andrade Date: Tuesday, 27th October 2015 Time: 11:00 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) NULL
Presented By
Sergio Belisario de Andrade Operation and Supply Chain director Arysta LifeScience has been Director of Operations and Supply Chain, Latin America at ARYSTA LifeScience, since 2010. Arysta is an American multinational company, leader in agrochemicals and biostimulants. Sérgio holds a B Sc. Engineering from the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, holds a B.A. Economics from the Universidade Católica/Bahia, holds a MBA from the University of Michigan and is post graduated in Supply Chain at Stanford University. Before working at Arysta, Sérgio held several senior roles in logistics, production, planning, marketing at Syngenta, Astra-Zeneca, Cargill, Alcan (currently Novelis). He has lived 4 years in the United States being 2 working at Cargill headquarters and 2 studying at the University of Michigan for his MBA Sérgio is also Director at the Advisory Board of INBRASC, Brazilian Institute for Supply Chain since 2013. He has been awarded as Brazil’s Logistics Professional of the Year – 2009 Edition (Fedex-Rapidão Cometa Award) and is author of supply chain white papers published by the Mundo Logística Magazine. Produced by
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